Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Still At It

So OK, I haven't been blogging as much as I said I would. I guess rather than writing here, I've been trying to spend my time working on the book.
Unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish the first draft before I went away on holiday and other things just seem to have kept getting in the way since I've been back. I am making steady progress but little by little, rather than one big push. I'm hoping that one day I'll be working away and the mental floodgates will open with the end of the novel pouring forth in a flood of ink onto the pages in front of me.
Yeah, right. I'm sure I'm not the only writer to ever wish for something like that.
Being made redundant has allowed me to spend more time on the writing but now financial worries are becoming a major distraction. I've been trying to find some suitable part-time work, so that I still have time to write but in the current economic situation, that's not so easy.
I'd much rather finish the book, then find a regular full-time job but I'm not so sure I'm going to be able to afford to.
For the moment, I'll keep going to try and finish the first draft. Every page written, is a page closer to completing it, after all.