Wednesday 1 April 2009

Still Here

It's been a little while since I last posted anything here, I know. I have meant to but it's usually ended up being too late at night when I'm struggling to keep my eyes open and so I keep putting it off until tomorrow and, well, you can guess the rest.
The writing's been going in peaks and troughs but I have pretty much managed to try and write something every day on the novel. Some days are easier than others. I had a good spell last week. 2000 words one evening when I really got into the scene I was writing and another good day when I hit my 1000 word target quite quickly. If only more days were like that.
I'm currently reading "The Echelon Vendetta" by David Stone, which was highly recommended at last years CWA Dagger Awards. I am actually enjoying it very much. It's a great thriller.
Other than that, I don't really have much to report. Have gotten into Guitar Hero on the Wii, along with bouts of ultra violence playing Madworld.
I think perhaps the end of the novel is coming into sight. Things are getting slowly easier with it and I'm starting to really drive towards the end of the first draft.
Then there's just the rewrite, some research, then another run through the whole thing, polishing and sharpening it - and hopefully the manuscript will finally be ready to send to my agent. That's the plan anyway.
Will keep you all posted.


  1. Glad to hear that you are on the road to finishing the first draft. Good luck!

  2. Well done on the award. That's great news, Anwar.
    I'm feeling a bit low as have a glitch on their system. They insist my books' displayed on their website, but it isn't. It's available through and other amazon sites around the world, as far away as New Zealand, but not on the UK site! It can be preordered online from Waterstones, Borders, WH Smiths etc, but as far as is concerned, Cut Short doesn't exist! Great start for a first book.

  3. Keep going, Anwar. Please come over and visit my blog some time. I've moved on from bloggingabout writing to blogging about book signings and author talks, proof copies and press releases - very busy! But must get back to writing at some point...

  4. Haven't been here for a while, Anwar. Good to hear the MS going's so well. I look forward to seeing your name soon as a winner of the Gold Dagger Award!

  5. Hi Leigh,

    I've been away from my blog for quite some time but it was good to see your messages here when I did check back recently. Please feel free to use my first name, it'd feel a little less formal.

    I just check on Amazon UK and your book is up there now, so that's good news. I will come and check out your blog again soon.

    For now, I'm getting back to trying to keep my own as up to date as possible. At the very least I'm aiming to post once a week, hopefully a little more.

    Still working away on the novel though…
