Monday 23 February 2009

Fits and Spurts

Well OK, I had hoped to be a bit better at this blogging malarkey, but there you have it I suppose. Although my excuse is that I'm trying to complete a novel, which does take precedence.

Having said that though, the writing has been going in fits and spurts just recently. Last week I had a few sticky patches, where the words were coming very slowly. I spent a fair bit of time thinking and working out where the plot ought to go. Finally, after I last posted, things did seem to fall into place and the writing sped up a little. I managed to get back up to 1000 words a day.

Friday I took my wife out for a lovely birthday dinner, so was unfit to do any writing that night, or the next either, as we went for cocktails with her sisters and their husbands, which proved to be lots of fun.

So, it's Monday, or rather Tuesday as I am writing this entry after midnight and I've been busy working on other things today. Tomorrow I'm meeting up with my snowboarding buddies from France '96-'97 for a few drinks after work.

From Wednesday, it's time to focus and knuckle down to get in some serious writing time. I think these past few days off have made me eager to get back into it and get on.

Catch you again soon. All the best.


  1. Best of luck to you with the novel-in-progress. The 2007 Debut Dagger winner has been having a lot of success with the release of his novel, and I hope you can follow in his footsteps. I empathize with your trying to balance work, family and friends, and writing!

  2. Hi Blue,

    Thanks for the message and for wishing me luck.

    Yes, Alan Bradley has been doing very well since he won the Debut Dagger in 2007. I followed that years competition with a lot of interest, especially as I was hoping that I might enter the competition myself at some point in the future. I hadn't really intended to enter in 2008, so it was a massive surprise to make the shortlist and an even bigger one to win overall.
    If I can follow in Alan's footsteps and secure a publishing deal, I'll be extremely happy.
    It certainly is tough balancing work, family and friends, along with the writing but as it's something that I really want to do, I manage to make time and persevere with it. It usually means a lot of late nights and weekends spent writing, instead of watching TV or going out. I'm sure it'll all seem worth it once I've finished the book though.
    All the best.
